What are Soft Skills?

Is still a common question raised by many a people. Or “Why are they called ‘Soft’ Skills?” The question could be raised by those who are familiar and benefitted from a multitude of soft-skills sessions, and even by a handful of amateur Soft Skills professionals.

Hard & Soft-skills

Let’s agree one needs continuous learning and improvement to succeed as a professional, and in life. A substantial extent of education occurs in our early years to get ready for adulthood. Most of our childhood education occurs as a result of agreement to study what our governing system decides for us. This is further followed by choice of domain specific learning determined by our professional interests concerning future career options, meaning, our choice to pursue Medicine, Engineering, Accountancy, Academics, Arts, Music etc.,

If the above process illustrates how an average individual completes the academic years, he or she is expected to function at a threshold level either in a business or a working organization immediately or shortly after. Most of academic learning gained from college and university constitute information gathering and skill orientation pertaining to ‘technical abilities’ required to perform a job function.

For example:

  • Tallying a Balance Sheet is a technical skill required for one to function as an Accountant
  • Coding is a skill required for one to function as a Software Professional
  • Designing a construction structure is a skill, a Civil Engineer exhibits to function as one

Such skills are termed, ‘Hard’ Skills, because they pertain to specific abilities required among specific professionals to do their core tasks.

Soft-skills, in the contrary are skills required by working and business professionals to function and overcome a variety of challenges eventually faced when performing.

For example:

  • To draw a Construction Design on the board is a hard skill, while having to present it in the most convincing manner to stakeholders is a soft-skill

Similarly, ability to Communicate Effectively, Handle Conflicts & Negotiations, Gaining Visibility within a workspace, Self-Expression and maintaining Emotional Balance are examples of soft-skills. Unfortunately, our formal education doesn’t do enough to empower us concerning the above abilities, and therefore the need for Soft-skills Training as a part of one’s professional development.
It can be argued that soft-skills are appreciated only when one experiences the pitfalls, or disadvantages of not having developed some. Soft-skills, necessarily don’t benefit us during work alone, but also outside work and hence, are also addressed as Life-Skills too.

Top 10 Soft-skills required among Working and Business Professionals:

  • Workplace Communication
  • Presenting and Public Speaking
  • Personal Branding and Visibility
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Conflict Management
  • Negotiating
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal Skills

One can see that aspects like Confidence, Integrity or Patience aren’t included in the list above because, Confidence for example is a ‘trait’ and not a skill. Traits certainly need addressing as per their relevance to a specific skill. For example, Confidence is an important trait to develop someone’s Negotiation Skills.

Behavioral Skills:

This aspect needs to be addressed too. It’s common for people to use the terms ‘soft-skills’ and ‘behavioral skills’ overlappingly. The justification provided, is that skillsets, apart from technical ones required to perform a job function, are to be considered as Behavioral Skills. Even if I personally have no issue with this view, let’s understand why the term Behavioral skills.
It’s now well acknowledged that soft-skills, in fact can be hard or ‘harder’ to imbibe, compared to technical skills. When our Hard Skills help us in getting a job, it’s our Soft-Skills that help us stay and grow in our career. Our Soft-skills nurture interpersonal relationships, help us become better as friends, parents, off springs, partners, spouses and humans.
One can master Soft-skills only through regular practice, patience, dedication and determination. Soft-skills, be it Communication, Time Management or People Skills, can be learnt and built only by practicing specific behaviors relevant to specific learning objectives, either by self, or with the guidance of a trainer or a mentor.

For example

CommunicationDelivering Information/Messages Effectively at work
  • Begin the message with a proper Introduction (Why is the message important?)
  • Deliver the main body of the message in Bullet Points (Max 3 Bullet Points)
  • Complete Information Delivery with a proper Conclusion
Problem SolvingConducting an Analysis
  • Brainstorm the issue by registering inputs applying a Free-flow Writing Tool
  • Conduct a Cause & Effect Analysis
  • Identify the Root Causes
  • Draw the Problem Statement
People Leadership/ManagementProviding a Feedback to Correct a team member’s actions

  • State the specific Situation you observed of something wrong done by team member
  • State the specific Behavior exhibited by the team member in the specific situation
  • State the negative Consequences the Behavior can result in for all concerned
  • Discuss alternative Behaviors to respond to similar Situations in future

The above is to illustrate the significance of identifying and practicing specific behaviors relevant to a learning objective. Hence, the term Behavioral Skills, because, the most effective approach to pick up the skills is to identify and practice relevant Behaviors.

Methods and Approaches to Soft-skills learning:

Soft-skills are best picked up and practiced under the guidance of a facilitator or coach. Some of the popular means of picking up soft-skills today are:

  • Reading:

    Many books and blogs are authored to help people pick up soft-skills. Reading can help assist in the development of soft-skills. One could either read books or even subscribe to specific courses from internet sources written in text.

  • Tutorials:

    Video tutorials are a dependable means of picking up skills as they include demonstrations and case scenarios. Some tutorials are also run live on social media platforms allowing for learners to practice, and even raise questions to clarify as well with the presenter.

  • Workshops:

    Physical and Online: One could sign-up for specific training workshops conducted by seasoned facilitators. Workshops make it interactive, along with scope for hands-on application of key skills. Learners can also seek feedback and clarification concerning areas for improvement from the facilitator, for enhanced understanding, guidance and further application after the session.

  • Coaching and Mentoring:

    Coaching & Mentoring is also a great way to inculcate soft-skills. They’re commonly one to one engagements. Duration of the intervention can be decided as per a learner’s need. A learner also benefits from individual attention provided by a coach or mentor. This approach can foster better trust, camaraderie, flexibility and focus between the learner and the mentor.

Challenges to Soft-skills Training & Development:

  • Time:

    Just like any learning that’s worth the while, Soft-skills take time to inculcate. It’s extremely important to hone a penchant for continuous learning, and personal development to master soft-skills. Most business organizations find it difficult to engage its workforce beyond two days for soft-skills development programs at a stretch. Furthermore, it’s only when organizations are willing to engage learners with a Post Training Action Plan, that results can be witnessed and measured.
    Many organizations today seek the assistance of training faculties to help learners apply the skills learnt from workshops

  • Willingness:

    It asks for a great deal of willingness to get better at soft-skills. Soft-skills can’t be Urgent, they are Important. Business organizations and professionals alike consider soft-skills, something as ‘Good to Have’, than as important. Soft-skills as compared to technical skills can be challenging in its application. Technical skills can be predictable in results while soft-skills can’t. One needs to constantly be open for improvements and change, and even be experimental in order to get better at it.

  • Measurement of Learning :

    Hard skills, as are reasonably predictable in results when applied can be measured for effectiveness post learning, while soft-skills are difficult to measure for its effectiveness after learning.

  • Awareness and Analysis:

    Businesses and individuals alike, when seeking to hone soft-skills are unsure of where to begin or what to train. If to benefit from it, Soft-skills training must occur to close specific gaps in capabilities or competencies needed among people to perform effectively. An acceptable degree of analyzing the gaps or need analysis must happen before deciding what to train.

  • Trained Facilitators and Coaches:

    Even if the country has produced many a Certified Trainers across its length and breadth, it’s still hard to find soft-skills trainers who know what their job is. Authentically speaking, a trainer or a coach is one who focuses on just that, skill building.
    Public Speakers, Motivational Speakers and a variety of people who simply have gained the confidence to speak before an audience today claim to be trainers and do their own thing. This is usually ineffective or even considered a waste of time by businesses and learners. It takes time to find a qualified and effective training faculty knowing the job

  • Customization of a Learning Sessions:

    Soft-skills are important for people working in a variety of industries and sectors. However, it can be daunting to find trainers from specific industries and backdrops. This can sometimes become challenging for a training faculty to relate with the day to day challenges a group of learners to face in their work situations.
    However, this can also be seen as an advantage by some businesses. Not customizing a training, meaning not using data or examples pertaining to a specific industry audience, also can be seen as a learning experience offering an external perspective.

  • Future of Soft-skills training:

    With fast advancements in technology and science, advent of Artificial Intelligence, Soft-skills are here to stay and will gain more prominence. With the need for adaptability to fast changing working environments and demands, newer generation of people being more familiar with latest technology trends, however lacking in self-regard and interpersonal skills, may need intense interventions of skill building in such areas. Both business organizations as well as soft-skill professionals will experience the stress in rendering a workforce employable.
    From among a range of skillsets already being addressed today, Mental Wellness will be a new area that will need addressing. This need will witness the influx of many qualified Mental Health professionals, joining hands with current force of soft-skills professionals, to train and coach future professionals achieve higher standards of efficacy, and counter oncoming challenges of the future.

How to Become More Mindful in Your Everyday Life?

How to Become More Mindful in Your Everyday Life?

How many times have you hurriedly started your day without considering how you want things to unfold? Suddenly, something or someone triggers irritation, impatience, or even anger, and you respond automatically—finding yourself behaving in a manner you never intended.

Breaking free from these patterns is possible. Taking a few minutes at various points throughout the day to engage in mindfulness can significantly enhance the quality of your days, aligning them more closely with your desired intentions.

  1. Mindful Morning Ritual: Setting the Tone for Your Day

    Commence your day with purpose by establishing intentions that align your conscious thinking with the primal emotional drives of your unconscious brain. This practice bridges the gap between the faster, unconscious impulses and the slower, conscious, and wiser abilities of the higher brain centres, such as the pre-frontal cortex.

    The unconscious brain largely governs decision-making and behaviours, emphasizing the importance of aligning with primal motivations like safety, reward, connection, purpose, self-identity, and core values. By setting an intention, you reinforce the connection between the lower and higher brain centres, influencing your day for the better. This increases the likelihood of responding mindfully and compassionately, particularly in challenging moments.

    Engage in this practice first thing in the morning, before checking phones or emails, by following these steps:

    Find a comfortable position in your bed or a chair. Close your eyes and connect with the sensations of your seated body, ensuring your spine is straight but relaxed.

    Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth for three long, nourishing breaths. Allow your breath to settle into its natural rhythm, observing the rise and fall of your chest and belly.

    Ask yourself: “What do I intend to achieve today?” Consider the individuals and tasks you will engage with using prompts such as:

    • How can I make a positive impact today?
    • What quality of mind do I want to cultivate?
    • How can I better care for myself?
    • In challenging moments, how can I show compassion to others and myself?
    • What can I do to feel more connected and fulfilled?

    Set your intention for the day. For example, declare, “Today, I will practice self-kindness, exercise patience with others, express generosity, remain grounded, persist in my efforts, enjoy moments of fun, and prioritize healthy eating,” or any other values that hold significance for you.

    Regularly assess yourself during the day. Take moments to pause, breathe, and revisit your established intention. Notice how heightened awareness of your daily intentions can lead to positive transformations in the quality of your communication, relationships, and mood.

  2. Mindful Dining: Savour the Flavour of Every Bite

    Eating often becomes a mechanical process of biting, chewing, and swallowing, performed without true awareness. Despite this, the act of eating is a deeply pleasurable human experience, and approaching it mindfully can elevate it beyond mere sustenance to a richer, more satisfying engagement with our senses and needs. Follow these steps to bring mindfulness to your meals:

    Take a Breath Before Eating: Interrupt the rush from one task to another by pausing and taking a breath before you begin your meal. Close your eyes, breathe slowly in and out of your belly for eight to 10 deep breaths, allowing a calm transition to your dining experience.

    Listen to Your Body: After breathing, shift your attention to the physical sensations in your belly. On a scale of 1 to 10, assess your hunger level, with 1 indicating no hunger and 10 signifying intense hunger. Identify the physical cues (such as stomach emptiness, shakiness, growling) without relying on thoughts about the time or your last meal. Listen to your body, not your thoughts.

    Eat According to Your Hunger: With a clearer understanding of your hunger, make mindful choices about what, when, and how much to eat. This practice helps you align your eating habits with your actual needs.

    Practice Peaceful Eating: Slow down during your meal and continue to breathe deeply. Relaxation is crucial for proper digestion and savouring the flavours of your food.

    If You Don’t Love It, Don’t Eat It: Approach your first three bites mindfully, focusing on the taste, flavours, and textures. Make a conscious decision about whether you genuinely enjoy the food. Choose to eat based on what brings you real satisfaction.

  3. Mindful Break: Rewiring Your Thought Patterns

    Approximately 95% of our actions operate on autopilot, driven by what is referred to as the “fast brain.” This automatic mode is a result of neural networks forming habits, condensing countless sensory inputs into efficient shortcuts for navigating our complex world. Unfortunately, these ingrained patterns often lead us back to old behaviours before we can consciously redirect ourselves.

    Mindfulness serves as the antidote to this rapid-fire process – it embodies the “slow brain.” Unlike autopilot, mindfulness engages executive control, fostering intentional actions, willpower, and thoughtful decisions. However, cultivating mindfulness requires practice. The more we activate our slow brain through deliberate and novel actions, the more we stimulate neuroplasticity, reinforcing the grey matter with newly sprouted neurons that have not yet been streamlined for fast-brain shortcuts.

    The challenge lies in the dichotomy between the slow brain, which understands what is best for us, and the fast brain, which often steers us down familiar, less beneficial paths. Enter the concept of “behaviour design” – a strategy to empower the slow brain. Two approaches accomplish this: impeding the fast brain with obstacles and clearing the path for the slow brain to take control.

    Shifting the balance in favor of the slow brain demands effort. Here are some strategies to initiate this transformation:

    Create Physical Obstacles: Set up physical reminders for your intentions. For example, place your yoga mat or meditation cushion prominently in your living space to make it impossible to ignore as you pass by.

    Vary Your Triggers: Regularly refresh the cues that prompt your new intentions. If you use sticky notes, change them up, add variety, or inject humour to prolong their effectiveness against the encroachment of old habits.

    Establish “If This, Then That” Patterns: Design simple reminders to transition into slow brain by linking specific situations to intentional actions. For instance, create prompts like “If office door, then deep breath” or “If phone rings, take a breath before answering.” Each conscious effort to shift into mindfulness reinforces the strength of your slow brain.

  4. Mindful Exercise: Engage Your Mind and Body

    Whether you’re cycling, lifting weights, or hitting the treadmill, every physical activity can transform into a mindfulness practice. Rather than merely focusing on burning calories or enhancing physical condition, you can integrate mindful movement and breathing, elevating your experience from a routine workout to a holistic engagement that invigorates both body and mind.

    Follow these steps, adaptable to any exercise, to synchronise your body, mind, and nervous system, enhancing your ability to channel energy into your workout:

    Clarify Your Purpose: Before embarking on your activity, bring intentionality to the forefront. As you prepare, consciously envision your session’s guiding theme. For instance, before cycling, affirm, “I will breathe deeply and immerse myself in the sensations of the breeze, sun, and passing scenery.” When entering the pool, declare, “I’ll pay attention to each stroke and embrace the sound and feel of the water surrounding me.”

    Warm-Up (5 minutes): Initiate your routine with simple moves like jumping jacks or stretching. Focus on synchronising your breath with movement to align brain activity, heart rate, and the nervous system. Rhythmic motion establishes a stable foundation.

    Settle into a Rhythm (10 to 15 minutes): Increase intensity while maintaining coordination between breath and movement. If synchronization proves challenging, concentrate solely on your breathing for a few minutes until you find your rhythm.

    Challenge Yourself (10 to 15 minutes): Push your limits with faster speed, more repetitions, or heavier weights, depending on your chosen activity. Observe the heightened alertness and vitality that arise when you challenge yourself.

    Cool Down (5 minutes): Gradually decelerate until you come to a complete stop. Take note of how your body feels, and absorb the surroundings.

    Rest (5 minutes): Quietly acknowledge the symphony of sensations within and around you. Practice identifying and naming your feelings and senses. You’ll likely experience a sense of wakefulness and vitality throughout your entire being.

  5. Mindful Driving: Navigate with Calmness, Not Chaos

    Heavy traffic and impatient drivers can easily trigger the “fight or flight” response, leading to road rage and heightened stress levels. Cities like Los Angeles, known for severe traffic conditions and less-than-serene drivers, often witness emotions running high and tempers flaring. However, transforming this experience is entirely possible. Even in the most challenging traffic situations, you can use the opportunity to cultivate mindfulness, enhance your sense of connection to others, and regain balance and perspective.

    Follow these simple steps for a behind-the-wheel mindfulness practice that has proven to work wonders:

    Inhale Deeply: Begin by taking a deep breath. This simple yet impactful act boosts oxygen intake, creating a gap between the external stimulus and your stress response. Within this gap, you gain perspective and the ability to opt for a more balanced reaction.

    Ask Yourself What You Need: In the midst of traffic, identify your immediate needs—whether it’s a sense of safety, ease, or simply relief. Understanding your needs is the first step towards restoring balance.

    Give Yourself What You Need: If ease is what you need, scan your body for tension (a good habit while driving) and release any tightness. Offer yourself phrases of self-compassion like, “May I be at ease, may I feel safe, may I be happy.”

    Recognize Shared Humanity: Look around and recognize that every driver shares common desires—to feel safe, have a sense of ease, and be happy. Observing agitated fellow drivers, find solace in the one singing or smiling, dispelling some of your stress. Extend the same compassionate wishes to them, saying, “May you be at ease, may you feel safe, may you be happy.”

    Take Another Deep Breath: In 15 seconds or less, transform your mood by applying these simple practices. When frustration builds, focus on what you need and extend those wishes to others. For instance, if safety is your concern, say, “May I be safe, may you be safe, may we all be safe.” Breathe in, breathe out, and sow the seeds of happiness.


Embracing mindfulness in your daily life is a journey that demands commitment and practice. By integrating these mindful principles into your routine, you can cultivate a heightened sense of presence, resilience, and overall well-being. Keep in mind that mindfulness is a skill that matures over time, with its positive effects extending beyond the individual to enhance relationships, work, and overall quality of life. Welcome the path of self-discovery and savor the transformative influence of mindfulness in your everyday experiences.

What is the difference between mental health and mental wellness?

What is the difference between mental health and mental wellness?

In today’s discussions, there is a heightened focus on mental health and well-being. This increased attention is having a tangible impact, considering that one in four individuals will encounter a mental health challenge at some stage in their lives. The more we engage in conversations about mental health, the more the associated stigma diminishes.

Yet, as the dialogue progresses, you may have noticed the recurring use or interchangeability of certain terms: mental health and mental wellness. Are these terms synonymous, or is there a distinction between them? Which one is more appropriate to use? To unravel this, let’s delve into the definitions of these terms.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It involves the individual’s ability to handle stress, relate to others, make decisions, and cope with the challenges of life. Good mental health contributes to overall functioning, productivity, and the ability to form meaningful relationships.

Mental health encompasses a wide range of factors, including emotional resilience, self-esteem, the ability to manage emotions, and effective communication. It is not just the absence of mental disorders but also the presence of positive mental qualities and coping mechanisms.

What is Mental Wellness?

Mental wellness refers to the state of one’s mental health and the proactive efforts taken to promote a positive, fulfilling, and balanced life. It goes beyond the absence of mental disorders and focuses on building resilience, fostering positive emotions, and enhancing overall psychological well-being.


Key components of mental wellness include:

  • Emotional Resilience: The ability to bounce back from challenges, adapt to change, and cope with stress in a healthy way.


  • Self-awareness: Understanding one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, and being mindful of how they contribute to overall well-being.


  • Effective Stress Management: Developing and utilizing coping strategies to handle life’s stressors and pressures in a constructive manner.


  • Healthy Relationships: Building and maintaining positive connections with others, fostering a sense of belonging, and having a support system.


  • Positive Lifestyle Choices: Incorporating habits such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and other activities that contribute to mental and physical well-being.


  • Positive Lifestyle Choices: Incorporating habits such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and other activities that contribute to mental and physical well-being.


  • Life Satisfaction: Finding meaning and purpose in life, setting and pursuing goals, and experiencing a sense of accomplishment.


  • Seeking Support: Being open to seeking help when needed, whether through friends, family, or mental health professionals.

Mental wellness is a proactive and holistic approach to mental health that emphasizes the promotion of positive mental qualities and the prevention of mental health issues. It encourages individuals to take an active role in their mental well-being and to adopt habits that contribute to a fulfilling and satisfying life.

Key Differences between mental health and mental wellness

Mental HealthMental Wellness
DefinitionRefers to a person’s overall psychological well-being, including the presence or absence of mental illnesses or disorders. It encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being.Focuses on the positive aspects of mental health, emphasizing a person’s ability to cope with stress, work productively, build positive relationships, and make meaningful contributions to society.
ScopeEncompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from mental illnesses and disorders to the absence of diagnosable conditions.Primarily emphasizes the proactive and positive aspects of mental well-being, promoting self-care, stress management, and personal growth.
Prevention vs. TreatmentOften associated with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of mental disorders through therapy, medications, or other interventions.Emphasizes preventive measures, lifestyle choices, and activities that contribute to maintaining a positive mental state and preventing the onset of mental health issues.
FocusTends to focus on addressing and managing symptoms of mental illnesses, improving functioning, and providing support during times of crisis.Concentrates on fostering resilience, personal development, and the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life.
Negative vs. PositiveOften associated with the absence of mental disorders or the management of negative symptoms.Centres around positive attributes such as life satisfaction, emotional resilience, and the pursuit of a meaningful and purposeful life.
Holistic ApproachCan involve specialized treatments and interventions targeted at specific disorders or symptoms.Encourages a holistic approach that considers various aspects of life, including physical health, social connections, and personal fulfilment.
StigmaMay be associated with societal stigma related to mental illnesses and the misconception that mental health issues are a sign of weakness.Generally carries a more positive and proactive connotation, promoting a broader understanding of mental well-being beyond the absence of illness.


In conclusion, while mental health and mental wellness are interconnected, they represent distinct aspects of our psychological well-being. Recognizing the differences is crucial for fostering a comprehensive approach to personal growth and happiness. By prioritizing both mental health and mental wellness, individuals can embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and resilient life, embracing challenges with a positive mindset and nurturing their mental well-being proactively.

A Guide to Cultivating Mental Wellness


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, mental wellness has become a paramount concern. The fast-paced lifestyle, constant connectivity, and societal pressures can take a toll on our mental health. Cultivating mental wellness is not just about addressing mental illness but also about proactively taking steps to enhance our overall well-being. This comprehensive guide aims to provide practical insights and strategies for nurturing a healthy and resilient mind.

The Foundation of Mental Wellness: Understanding the Basics:

At the core of mental wellness lies a profound comprehension of its fundamental principles. To embark on the journey to a resilient and balanced mind, it’s crucial to grasp the basics. Emotional equilibrium, psychological stability, and social well-being form the pillars of mental health. This foundational understanding enables individuals to navigate life’s challenges, build meaningful connections, and foster a positive mindset. In this exploration, we unravel the essential elements that contribute to mental well-being, laying the groundwork for a fulfilling and enriching life. Join us as we delve into the basics, unlocking the secrets to cultivating a healthy and resilient mind.

The Importance of Self-Care in Mental Well-being

Self-care is a crucial component of maintaining and promoting mental well-being. In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, prioritizing one’s mental health has become increasingly essential. The term “self-care” encompasses a range of activities and practices that individuals can engage in to nurture their physical, emotional, and mental health.

  • Stress Reduction: Everyday life can be filled with stressors, from work pressures to personal responsibilities. Engaging in self-care activities such as mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress levels. Managing stress is vital for preventing the development or exacerbation of mental health issues.
  • Prevention of Burnout: Continuous exposure to stress without adequate self-care can lead to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Taking breaks, setting boundaries, and allowing oneself time to rest are key elements in preventing burnout and maintaining overall well-being.
  • Enhanced Resilience: Regular self-care practices contribute to increased emotional resilience. When individuals take the time to care for themselves, they are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and setbacks. Resilience is a key factor in maintaining good mental health and bouncing back from difficulties.
  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Self-care helps individuals develop a better understanding of their emotions and provides tools to regulate them effectively. Engaging in activities that bring joy, relaxation, or a sense of accomplishment can positively impact emotional well-being.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Self-care involves paying attention to one’s needs and preferences. This process fosters self-awareness, helping individuals identify when they are feeling overwhelmed or in need of support. Being attuned to one’s emotions is fundamental for mental health.
  • Preventative Measures for Mental Health Issues: Regular self-care acts as a preventative measure against mental health issues. By prioritizing mental well-being, individuals may reduce the risk of developing conditions such as anxiety and depression.
  • Enhanced Productivity and Creativity: Taking time for self-care not only benefits mental health but can also boost productivity and creativity. Well-rested and balanced individuals are more likely to approach tasks with clarity, focus, and innovative thinking.
  • Improved Relationships:
    Caring for oneself allows individuals to bring their best selves into relationships. Healthy self-care habits can contribute to better communication, empathy, and overall positive interactions with others.

The Power of Positive Relationships for Mental Wellness

Positive relationships play a crucial role in promoting mental wellness and overall well-being. The connections we cultivate with friends, family, colleagues, and communities can have a profound impact on our mental health. These relationships provide a support system that can help individuals navigate life’s challenges and contribute to a more positive outlook.

Strong social connections have been linked to numerous mental health benefits. Engaging in meaningful and positive relationships can reduce feelings of loneliness, stress, and anxiety. The sense of belonging that comes from healthy connections provides emotional support, fostering resilience in the face of adversity.

Positive relationships also contribute to the release of oxytocin and endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones. These chemical reactions in the brain help regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression. Moreover, having a network of supportive individuals can provide a buffer against the negative impacts of stress, improving overall mental resilience.

Communication within positive relationships is essential for understanding and empathy. Sharing thoughts and feelings with someone who listens without judgment can promote self-expression and self-discovery. This open communication fosters a sense of trust and intimacy, strengthening the bond between individuals.

In contrast, negative or strained relationships can have detrimental effects on mental health. Toxic connections may lead to increased stress, anxiety, and a sense of isolation. Recognizing and addressing such relationships is crucial for maintaining mental wellness.

Effective Stress Management Techniques

Effective stress management is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. Here are some techniques that can help you manage stress:

Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:
  • Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing to calm the nervous system.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing different muscle groups to reduce tension.

Mindfulness and Meditation:
  • Mindfulness meditation helps bring awareness to the present moment, reducing anxiety about the future.
  • Guided imagery meditation can transport your mind to a peaceful place, promoting relaxation.

Regular Exercise:
  • Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, or yoga, to release endorphins and reduce stress hormones.
  • Guided imagery meditation can transport your mind to a peaceful place, promoting relaxation.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
  • Prioritize a balanced diet with nutritious foods to support overall health.
  • Ensure adequate sleep to allow your body and mind to recover.

Time Management:
  • Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Prioritize tasks and focus on the most important ones first.

Social Support:
  • Share your thoughts and feelings with friends or family.
  • Build a strong support system to lean on during challenging times.

Limit Caffeine and Sugar Intake:
  • Reduce consumption of stimulants like caffeine and excessive sugar, as they can exacerbate stress and anxiety.

Set Realistic Goals:
  • Establish achievable goals to avoid setting yourself up for unnecessary stress.
  • Celebrate small victories along the way.

Hobbies and Recreation:
  • Engage in activities you enjoy to provide a mental break from stressors.
  • Hobbies can be a great way to express creativity and relax.

Learn to Say No:
  • Understand your limits and don’t be afraid to decline additional commitments when your plate is already full.

Positive Self-Talk:
  • Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations.
  • Foster a mindset of self-compassion and self-care.

Professional Support:
  • Seek help from a mental health professional if stress becomes overwhelming.
  • Therapists can provide coping strategies and a supportive environment.

The Role of Art and Play in Mental Wellness

Art and play serve as powerful tools in promoting mental wellness by providing individuals with avenues for expression, creativity, and stress relief. Engaging in artistic activities and playful experiences can have profound effects on mental health, offering therapeutic benefits that go beyond mere enjoyment.

Creating art, whether through drawing, painting, sculpting, or other mediums, allows individuals to express emotions and thoughts that may be challenging to articulate verbally. This form of self-expression can be particularly therapeutic for those dealing with stress, anxiety, or trauma. Art provides a non-verbal outlet to process and communicate complex feelings, fostering a sense of release and catharsis.

Play, in various forms, is not only reserved for children but holds therapeutic value for adults as well. Playfulness stimulates the brain and promotes creativity, enhancing problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility. Activities that involve play, such as games, sports, or recreational pursuits, can reduce stress levels and improve overall mood.

Engaging in artistic endeavors and play also encourages mindfulness, promoting a focus on the present moment. This mindful awareness can be a powerful antidote to the pressures of daily life and the anxieties about the future. Immersing oneself in the creative process or enjoying playful activities allows individuals to momentarily disconnect from stressors and experience a sense of joy and relaxation.

Moreover, art and play contribute to a sense of community and connection. Participating in group art projects or collaborative games fosters social interactions, which are vital for mental well-being. Building positive connections through shared creative experiences can combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Cultivating mental wellness is a lifelong journey that requires dedication and self-reflection. By prioritizing self-care, nurturing positive relationships, practicing mindfulness, setting realistic goals, managing stress effectively, embracing creativity, and seeking professional support when needed, you can build a strong foundation for a fulfilling and resilient life. Remember, mental wellness is not a destination but a continuous process of growth and self-discovery. If you are looking to Mental Wellness then contact us to know more

The Art of Time Management: Productivity Hacks for Professionals

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to effectively manage time can significantly impact one’s efficiency, stress levels, and overall well-being. Here’s a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of time management with practical productivity hacks for professionals.

Understanding the Importance of Time Management

Time management is a crucial skill that impacts various aspects of our lives. Effectively managing time means using it wisely and productively. It’s about making the most of the 24 hours we have each day. When we manage our time well, we’re able to prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Professionals particularly benefit from good time management. It allows them to handle their workload efficiently, meet deadlines, and reduce stress levels. It’s not just about doing more in less time; it’s also about doing the right things at the right time. By mastering time management, professionals can boost their productivity, which often leads to greater success in their careers.

Understanding the significance of time management empowers individuals to make conscious choices about how they allocate their time. It’s not just a matter of filling up hours; it’s about making deliberate decisions that align with personal and professional goals.

Principles of Effective Time Management

Effective time management revolves around several key principles that form the foundation for maximizing productivity and achieving goals. Here are some crucial principles:

Prioritization:Identifying and prioritizing tasks is fundamental. Not all tasks hold equal importance or urgency. It’s essential to differentiate between what’s urgent, important, and what can wait. Tools like the Eisenhower Matrix help categorize tasks based on their significance, aiding in better decision-making.

Setting Clear Goals: Establishing clear, specific, and attainable goals is crucial. SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) provide a roadmap, guiding efforts toward accomplishing tasks effectively and efficiently.

Planning and Organization: Developing a structured plan and organizing tasks are pivotal for successful time management. Utilize planners, calendars, or digital tools to schedule activities, meetings, and deadlines. Breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps makes them less overwhelming and more manageable.

Avoiding Procrastination: Procrastination is a significant impediment to effective time management. Understanding its root causes and employing strategies like the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused intervals) or the Two-Minute Rule (immediate action on tasks taking less than two minutes) can combat procrastination tendencies.

Productivity Hacks for Professionals

Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. This prevents multitasking and helps maintain focus on one task at a time.

Use of Technology: Leverage productivity apps and tools such as project management software, time tracking apps, or calendar applications to streamline workflows and manage time efficiently.

Delegate and Outsource: Recognize tasks that can be delegated or outsourced to others, allowing professionals to focus on high-priority tasks that require their expertise.

Regular Breaks and Mindfulness: Incorporate short breaks into the workday to recharge. Practices like mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can enhance focus and productivity.

Learn to Say No: Prioritize tasks aligned with your goals and politely decline tasks that don’t contribute to your objectives. This helps in maintaining focus on what truly matters.

Continuous Improvement: Reflect on your time management strategies regularly. Identify what works best and adapt or refine your approach to enhance productivity further.

Balancing Work and Personal Life

Effective time management isn’t just about professional tasks; it’s also about creating a balance between work and personal life. Set boundaries, allocate specific time for personal activities, and disconnect from work during non-working hours to avoid burnout and maintain overall well-being.


Mastering the art of time management involves a combination of self-discipline, effective planning, and utilizing the right tools and strategies. By implementing these productivity hacks and principles, professionals can enhance their efficiency, reduce stress, and achieve a more fulfilling work-life balance.

Mastering the art of time management involves a combination of self-discipline, effective planning, and utilizing the right tools and strategies. By implementing these productivity hacks and principles, professionals can enhance their efficiency, reduce stress, and achieve a more fulfilling work-life balance.

Remember, time is a valuable resource; managing it wisely can pave the way for both professional success and personal satisfaction. If you are looking to improve your time management skills then Register now for the Time Management Skills Webinar or contact us to know more

What is emotional intelligence and how does it apply to the workplace?

In today’s dynamic and interconnected workplace, technical skills are undoubtedly essential. However, there’s another aspect of human capability that’s equally vital for success – emotional intelligence. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what emotional intelligence is and how it applies to the workplace, shaping not only individual careers but also the overall dynamics of organizations.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence, often abbreviated as EQ, is the capacity to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use emotions, both our own and those of others. It goes beyond mere self-awareness and extends to interpersonal relationships. EQ comprises several key components, including:

  1. Self-Awareness: Understanding one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values.
  2. Self-Regulation: Managing one’s emotions, controlling impulses, and adapting to changing circumstances.
  3. Motivation: The drive to pursue goals with enthusiasm and persist in the face of setbacks.
  4. Empathy: Recognizing and understanding the emotions of others.
  5. Social Skills: Building and maintaining positive relationships, effectively communicating, and resolving conflicts.


How Does Emotional Intelligence Apply to the Workplace?


  1. Effective Communication:

    Strong EQ enables individuals to communicate more effectively. They are better at listening, understanding the perspectives of their colleagues, and articulating their ideas clearly. This leads to improved teamwork and collaboration.

  2. Leadership Skills:

    Leaders with high emotional intelligence are often more successful. They can inspire and motivate their teams, make fair and considerate decisions, and adapt to various leadership styles as needed.

  3. Conflict Resolution:

    In any workplace, conflicts are inevitable. However, individuals with high EQ are better equipped to navigate these conflicts with empathy and problem-solving skills, fostering a more harmonious work environment.

  4. Stress Management:

    The ability to manage stress is critical in today’s fast-paced workplaces. Employees with strong emotional intelligence can stay composed under pressure, make rational decisions, and prevent burnout.

  5. Customer Service:

    For businesses, EQ is vital in providing excellent customer service. Employees who can empathize with customers’ needs and concerns can build stronger client relationships and resolve issues more effectively.

  6. Team Building:

    High EQ individuals are more skilled at understanding the dynamics of a team. They can promote trust and collaboration, ensuring that each team member feels valued and understood.

  7. Decision-Making:

    Rational decision-making is often influenced by emotions. Leaders and employees with emotional intelligence can weigh emotions appropriately when making choices, resulting in well-balanced, thoughtful decisions.

  8. Adaptability:

    In today’s constantly evolving workplace, adaptability is crucial. Individuals with strong EQ can easily adapt to change and uncertainty, which is essential for staying competitive and innovative.


Developing Emotional Intelligence

Fortunately, emotional intelligence can be developed and enhanced over time. Here are some strategies to improve your EQ:

  • Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your emotions, reactions, and behaviors. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and areas that need improvement.
  • Empathy Training: Practice understanding the emotions and perspectives of others. Actively listen to colleagues and clients to gain insights into their feelings and needs.
  • Stress Management Techniques: Learn stress management techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing to stay calm under pressure.
  • Conflict Resolution Training: Enhance your conflict resolution skills through training and practice. Seek solutions that benefit all parties involved.
  • Communication Skills: Work on your communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, to convey your thoughts and emotions effectively.


The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


Effective Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of success in any work environment. Emotional intelligence enables individuals to communicate more proficiently by fostering self-awareness and empathy. Employees with high EI are better at listening, understanding the perspectives of their colleagues, and conveying their own ideas and concerns clearly. This leads to improved teamwork, collaboration, and more harmonious work relationships.


Leadership and Management

Leaders with strong emotional intelligence are often more effective in guiding their teams. They can inspire and motivate employees, make fair and considerate decisions, and adapt their leadership styles to suit the needs of the situation and the people they lead. Leaders with high EQ can effectively manage conflicts and create a positive work culture.


Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are inevitable in any workplace. However, individuals with high emotional intelligence can navigate conflicts more effectively. They do so by approaching disputes with empathy, active listening, and problem-solving skills, ultimately fostering a more harmonious work environment. Employees with strong EI are better equipped to find common ground, leading to quicker and more amicable resolutions.


Stress Management

Workplaces can be highly stressful environments, and the ability to manage stress is a critical skill. Employees with high emotional intelligence can remain composed under pressure, make rational decisions, and prevent burnout. Their emotional resilience helps them cope with the demands and challenges of their jobs, leading to increased productivity and well-being.


Customer Service

For businesses, emotional intelligence is crucial for providing exceptional customer service. Employees with high EI can empathize with customers’ needs and concerns, building stronger client relationships. They are better equipped to handle challenging customer interactions, ultimately contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Team Building

Team dynamics can make or break a project’s success. High EQ individuals excel at understanding the intricacies of team interactions. They can promote trust and collaboration, ensuring that each team member feels valued and understood. This fosters a cooperative and productive work environment.



Emotions often play a significant role in decision-making. People with emotional intelligence can weigh their emotions appropriately when making choices. This helps them make balanced, well-informed decisions that consider both the facts and the emotional impact on those affected by the decisions.



In today’s rapidly changing work environment, adaptability is a prized skill. High EQ individuals can easily adapt to change and uncertainty, making them more resilient and innovative. They are not thrown off course by unexpected shifts in the business landscape and can help their organizations stay competitive and forward-thinking.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence is a vital component of success in the modern workplace. It applies to every aspect of our professional lives, from leadership and teamwork to decision-making and customer service. By developing and nurturing your emotional intelligence, you can create a more positive and productive work environment for yourself and those around you.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

The Human Dilemma: Between the Actions and Results

The Actions we take is of great importance when considering our progress as human beings. I am suggesting this both from the perspective as a species as well as individuals. Its simple to state why this is so. Our Actions render our Results, not necessarily our intentions alone.
If you assess contemplatively for what is currently happening with your life, do the resulting thoughts fill you with happiness and satisfaction? Or do you feel a sense of despair? If you sense fulfilment and happiness, it means, for now, you must continue your current patterns of action. If you
sense despair, the message is for you to change your pattern of actions.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy states the formula: T>F>A: The progression is to explain, our Thoughts produce our Feelings. Further, the Interactions between our Thoughts and Feelings produce our Actions. And of course, as I mentioned before, our Actions produce our Results.
For a moment, let me provide you with an example to illustrate the practicality of the above content. If you have heard of ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’, you would remember, the dogs were signalled to approach their food bowls with the ringing of a bell. The dogs would react to the stimuli, the ringing of the bell, every time, by wagging their tails instantly before consuming their meals. Pavlov later observed that the dogs wagged their tails if they heard the bell ringing at ‘off’ times too. This is a simple example to state a biological condition, S>R, which means an organism reacts to stimuli.
Stimuli being the bell ringing and reaction being the tail wagging.
As ‘intelligent’ human beings, we also are susceptible to this biological conditioning. However, we can intelligently ‘by-pass’ the conditioning for our own good.

Reacting to Situations:

What would you do if your little daughter at breakfast, accidentally spilt her milk on your neatly ironed clothes, that you chose for that special & crucial presentation you had to deliver at work? Most readers would imagine that you would burst out with rage, scream at her with your fists tightened. If you reacted that way, how would that day be expected to progress? You would be stressed to look for something else to wear. Your spouse would advise you not to get that hyper and scream at the child, which makes you more uncomfortable. Your temper could hamper your mood which further could hamper your presentation. By the time you finished your work for the day, you have begun to feel bad for yourself and your kid for the way you behaved in the morning. When you came back home, your little child is really frightened to come to you. Your spouse isn’t talking to you. Here, there is a clear progression from your Actions to the Results. Now, would you want this to happen again? It’s a Big No.

Learning to Respond rather than React:

If you learnt from the experience, you would find alternative behaviours to deal with a similar situation, if it occurred in the future. This means you are an intelligent human being. You consciously applied yourself to design your ‘Response’ to the situation rather than ‘React’. Here, the formula is altered to S>O>R. The progression states, if intelligence is applied, the so-called organism, that’s you, can choose to deal with a similar stimulus in a more conscious manner. This transformation means the individual has learnt to Respond rather than React. Therefore, Stimulus>Organism>Response.

Considering the same example, you found new ways of Thinking about the discomforting situation. The new thought patterns filled you with calmness, compassion, understanding and empathy, rather than anger. The interactions between the new Thoughts and Feelings led you to Act in different ways altogether. Your family would certainly feel more obliged to help you with your difficulty that day and appreciate you for your display of maturity. That’s the essence of Emotional Intelligence Training. Learning to Respond rather than React.

Emotional Intelligence:

However, learning from experience isn’t easy nor common. However uncommon it may be, it is un- Intelligent to continue behavioural patterns that are logically, emotionally, detrimental and draining to us as well as others. Therefore, ‘Emotional Intelligence Training.’
Learning from Experience is the only way to progress into a matured Human Being. A matured Human Being is responsible for one’s own Feelings and Emotions, as well as Others. More on the topic in the next blog.
Practical and everyday definition of Emotional Intelligence Training: Learning from Experience.

How to Develop Your Personal Branding? Developing Your Visibility:

How to Develop Your Personal Branding? Developing Your Visibility:

I had written a blog recently for how Personal Branding can be improved by working upon 7 areas at work. I’d like to focus on how to build your Visibility at work on this blog. Visibility is an incredible pay-off for people who earnestly work on their Branding. However, one must also understand that our Visibility is our own responsibility.

Cultural Dilemma:
I claim emphatically, that “Credibility is no assurance of Visibility”. This statement almost describes the dilemma that working people experience, especially among south east Asian working cultures. Many Asian cultures promote a highly passive approach to working life. In fact, it is not uncommon among working people in our own country to feel, that seeking Visibility is the same as bragging. A frequent feedback received by engineers, during annual appraisals from their superiors is, that they are efficient but lack visibility. I am sure you will agree when I say, that many working people in our country are ‘Visibility Shy’, in different degrees.

Tendency to believe Credibility is good enough:

Let’s consider Credibility first. One needs to work on Credibility as it establishes an extent of trust the organization can have on an employee. However, no amount of effort in establishing Credibility is going to guarantee Visibility. Credibility is established by one’s academic excellence, exhibiting of relevant knowledge & problem- solving skills, and most importantly, tendency to ‘walk the talk’. However, the truth of the matter is,
not all highly trustworthy individuals carry high Visibility.
Bottom line is. Just working hard and being sincere, even though great qualities to possess, will not fetch Visibility.

How to go about Your Visibility?
‘Toot Your Own Horn’ – Develop a Positive Attitude for Visibility:
Nobody is going to do it for you. No culture in the world is known to consider bragging as a virtue, but it doesn’t mean, the only option left is to choose ‘invisibility’. Know you have a ‘Right’ for Visibility. Know there is nothing wrong in talking about your ‘good’, achievements and contributions in the right set up.
Importantly. Don’t blame your bosses or company for your lack of Visibility, it is not their responsibility but yours.
I came across a saying recently on the internet, “What do a Deep Thinker and an Emotional Person lack???? The Visibility of their Importance in today’s world”. Let this not become the impression of your working life.

Speak Up in Meetings
Whether you like it or not, meetings are the place when you become known by your team for your confidence and by others for who you are.
Don’t keep your opinions and views to yourself. Your Branding doesn’t depend on whether your opinions were accepted or not, it depends on whether you expressed them to your best capability nor not.

Volunteer to Represent your Team
What did you do during the last Office Day, Cultural event or Annual Day? Did you participate and exhibit your innate talent to entertain everyone, or did you just stay back with the audience and watched the show?
Highly talented people just need one good opportunity for life-long guaranteed Visibility sometimes. Don’t keep your good to yourself. Exhibit them when opportunity is right.

Participate in Learning Opportunities
This is a great way to boost your Visibility. By just participating earnestly and soundly, a lot of people become aware of who you are.

Project your strengths by leveraging Social Media
Write Blogs, Books if you have time & Articles about your passions or information that can add value to others. Shoot Videos to project your knowledge and not necessarily regarding your work alone.
Share the link to relevant and interested parties and seek their feedback
Be a Good Networker

There’s a saying, ‘doing your good work and not networking is like winking at your potential date in the dark’. Its just not good enough to be good at your work. Strike conversations with strangers and talk to them. Join a networking group who have similar interests or can be potential customers or stakeholder in the future Now…the last one is awesome!!…..My favourite…Just Highlight Other People’s Success with aplomb
I love this. This is the best one I know. Imagine…you have a lot of people doing great around you. Just understand them and talk about their achievements aloud and people love you for that. Hope the ideas and insights in the blog is appreciated and liked.

How to Develop Your Personal Brand

How to Develop Your Personal Brand?

I was recently narrating to my audience, in a Leadership Training Program about how my high school teachers, didn’t remember me for all the talents I was known for in a school, when we met in a high school reunion. Rather, they remembered me for accidentally locking them up in the bathroom during a school excursion.

The reason for my disappointment as I saw, was that my teachers had seen innumerable students in their career, similarly in talent, but not any of them locked them in the bathroom. That instance, I remembered one of my old mentors sharing a piece of his wisdom ‘that people remember you for two reasons primarily, for the way you personally Impact them, or the Value you add to them.

Not discounting the Impact element in building a great Branding for yourself, adding value goes a long way. Adding value is solid in substance, less superficial and more profound in essence, considering as an approach to Personal Branding.

In this blog, I will focus on how you can work on your Branding at Workplace:

First Step: Believe in Yourself:

Your Branding is boosted if you are known for your Problem-Solving attitude. Capabilities are different from an attitude. People with high capabilities may fail due to attitudinal issues. Develop the attitude of ‘Internal Locus of Control’. It means, focusing on elements within scope of control to exercise, rather than blaming external aspects that don’t fall within the scope of control.
Example: If you find it difficult working with your boss, it is within your control to politely talk about your difficulties directly, rather than to gossip or back bite him with colleagues, or maybe complain about him to HR. If you choose direct discussion, it means you have an Internal Locus of Control. Internal Locus of Control is a great indicator of Self Belief.

Second Step: Discover & Re-Invent Yourself:
Be open to Feedback & ……Regular Feedback:
Are you aware of what ‘ticks’ about you among your colleagues? Or for that matter, what’s your ‘dud’ among people? Collect open and honest feedback from at least 10 of your colleagues, regarding their positive and negative opinions about you. The information you receive could be a great field of opportunity for you.
Choose some meaningful & challenging areas of improvement from the feedback received, and work on them. Thank your colleagues for the feedback they shared with you. You create a great impression for being open, and also will impress them for earnestly willing to improve upon information shared.

Third Step: Don’t Hide Your Good:

What are you hiding away about you at workplace? If you list them, you may write a sequence of your shortcomings. However, seldom are we aware, we are also hiding away our good. Do your colleagues know you are a good singer, story teller, stand up comedian, guitarist or drummer, script writer etc., Wait for the right opportunity and showcase your strengths. In fact, for highly talented people, one perfect instance is good enough for
gaining tremendous visibility.

Step Four: Develop a Tendency to Try New Stuff:
Do you believe, you are just limited to your current impression about you? What are some of the stuff you have been postponing for some time? Asking for that challenging project?
Applying to become a team leader? Initiating an internal network of like-minded colleagues, etc., Don’t post pone them anymore. Initiating those projects is going to help you learn a lot more about of your own self.

Step Five: Build Yourself:

Be a continuous learner. Be a voracious reader. Develop new competencies.
Figure out the ‘White Spaces’.
What according to you, are some methods, initiatives or practices you subtly think could be great for your department and team, but no one tried so far? Such initiatives are called white spaces. The reasons for not walking white spaces, could be need for more time & dedication, or they are difficult and so on. If you find some of the ideas worthwhile and can add value in some or the other way, start today. People who add value can never be ignored anywhere. In the past, if you felt that you did, and still were ignored, it means you were in the illusion of adding value but did not. Do your home work before walking the white space.

Step Six: Let go of Yourself:
Walk up to, or call someone who you are not in good terms with, to suggest you want to bury it and move on like friends. List all the tendencies and habits that currently hinder your growth and work on shredding them. Make Personal Development your number one priority. Not success and achievement. Accept your imperfections and be willing to commit
mistakes. That’s the only way one grows

Step Seven: Be Yourself – Be Authentic
You have a Right to be Yourself, until you know you are a loser. Losers can be destructive to their own selves as well as people associating with them. I assume you are not one!!!
Work on your Assertive Skills. Assertive people are taken seriously. In a workplace, even though this is hard to believe, you can either work on being liked by everyone or being taken seriously. If you claim you are taken seriously even if not liked, you have a great Branding. Be non-compromising on your workplace rights, however, abide by all your
responsibilities efficiently.

Train yourself to be Direct, Specific and Straightforward as a working individual Be comfortable and confident in expressing your feelings just like the way they are Learn to Disagree with people confidently, but politely
Learn to Say ‘No’ Accept your mistakes graciously and emphatically, but learn from them immediately so as not to commit them again.
I assure anyone reading this. The above takes time but is worthwhile. Focusing on the above seven elements will certainly create an incredible Branding for working people.

Personal Branding

What is Personal Branding?
Your Personal Branding is a Combination of Your:

  • Strengths
  • Passions
  • Talents, Gifts &
  • Established Purpose of Life

The above is what I concluded a discussion regards Personal Branding in a previous blog. Soft skills Training Companies have assumed the importance of Personal Branding at large. Leadership Training Programs currently address a variety of aspects like Emotional Intelligence, Situational Leadership, Conflict Management, Influencing Skills so on. Personal Branding would be great, to be added into this gamut for people in managerial positions, as well as individual contributors to benefit from it.

However, I am concerned regards the approach some of them are taking to highlights its importance among working people. The essence of Personal Branding, is diluted in its understanding sometimes. One approach I disagree with is reducing Personal Branding primarily to one’s presence of visibility in social media. Another approach that’s quite shocking is misinterpreting it for ‘Image Consulting’. In my suggestion, trainers must not do this mistake. One’s Branding concerns with what light are you seen by your co-workers or business associates? Are you aware of, whether you are generally remembered by people known to you in positive or negative ways?

Authentically, Personal Branding can be approached in 2 ways:

  • Personal Impact
  • Personal Value-Lization
    Personal Impact:
    Impact concerns with developing one’s ability to generate a great First Impression, Improved Communication, Presenting Skills, Grooming & Attire, Improving Visibility etc.,
    Personal Value-Lization:
    Value-Lization concerns with whether you are looked upon by your associates, co-workers as someone who adds value to them and the organization. An individual who is recognized as a value
    adder can’t be ignored easily. Both Impact and Value-Lization are achieved only through sincere, earnest hard work and authentic behaviour. Real-time Branding takes time & proper training. However, it’s worth it.
    What are the benefits of Personal Branding?
    This is simple to answer. If you have great Branding, you are taken ‘Seriously’ by people. You will be:
  • Respected
  • Looked Upon
  • Listened to
  • Acknowledged Constantly
  • Considered Important
  • Considered a Role Model
  • Followed
  • A great Influencer
  • Experiencing a sense of fulfilment
  • Experiencing a sense of satisfaction
    In your career and outside too. From experience, even though I don’t like saying this, I have to admit, Personal Branding Training is not for everyone. It is very important for those who are willing to:
  • Compromise affirming Success for Adding Value
  • Compromise Security for Significance
  • Compromise Immediate Victory for Long Term Sustainability
    Your Personal Branding is what people say about you behind your back. I am aware, an immediate response to this by some people will be, “I really don’t care”. I can understand that. But, we got to care about what some people say about us, if we have to remain in our jobs and business. For example, I will not be in the training business, if I didn’t care about what my clients said about me. There’s the beginning to understand the importance of Branding………….
    As Gandhi said when he was asked by an American journalist, what his message was to the world, “My Life Is My Message”. Think he took is Branding quite seriously!!!!

Identifying Competencies & Behaviour

How Businesses can benefit by investing in Corporate Training?
Id like to discuss this specifically from Behavioural Training perspective, however, the aspects I mention will benefit technical training initiatives too.
Current Trends:
What is the training function responsible for?
Is it to ensure better profits or savings to the organization? These are responsibilities shared among all functions within corporate organizations, as every function contributes towards the company’s overall objectives in its own specific way.

Significance of training function anytime, before Corona or after Corona remains the same. It is to enhance and build required levels of Competencies in a workforce, so that they dispense capabilities matching requirements to achieve organization’s goals. Currently, training is reduced to identifying workshops scheduled in a calendar, in response to which individuals from various functions are expected to nominate for. Nothing wrong with it. However, there’s nothing more to it barring a peek given to the overall feedback of the participants and then filing away required docs for reference. It is left to the participant to determine if the workshop was of any particular benefit that could render useful at work or outside. Maybe discontinuing an external training vendor if the overall feedback was poor.

How training can make a contribution?
We must identify that the ultimate responsibility of training is ‘Behavioural Change’. Behavioural change contributes to change in Results. If we consider a focus group who is to be trained, it becomes important to understand competencies that will enable the focus group to contribute willingly & effectively towards organizational goals in the long run. The competencies must be further identified with relevant behaviours that need inculcation during the workshop
For example:
1 Competency: Communication Skills
Relevant Behaviours:
Delivers Messages in a structure
Paraphrases conversations before responding
Writes specific and descriptive subject lines
Expresses self clearly during disagreements

  1. Competency: Time Management
    Relevant Behaviours:
    Maintains To-Do List
    Prioritizes Actions using Action Program
    Is gracious with people and Asserts Objectives
    Reviews progress at least 3 times a day
    The above serves as examples for what I mean a competency and relevant behaviours. If concerned stakeholders like reporting
    managers, HR Manager, L&D executives can also collaborate in arriving at competencies and behaviours with the training
    community, it becomes easy to assess the extent of application by learners after workshop, provide feedback and encouragement to
    team members to do so. As I say, if there is noticeable positive Behavioural Change after the session, it will certainly contribute to
    positive change is results, profits and savings for the company in longer run.

Steps to Benefit optimally from training program:

  1. Identify the objective of the training session: For example: if it is Personal Branding, be clear how a training session on
    Personal Branding contributes to the overall organizational objectives
  2. Identify the various competencies relevant to training topic that relate well with the company objectives
  3. Identify at least 3 clear behaviours that relate well with the identified competency
  4. Restrict a session only to 3 or 4 competencies maximum. Behavioural Change takes time & hard work
  5. Identify the focus group: Who needs training? Is the focus group from one function or multifarious functions? Ensure the
    focus group don’t exceed the limit as prescribed by the training faculty
  6. Ensure the training workshop is designed effectively to focus only the identified competencies and behaviours. Eliminate
    any unnecessary information or insight from the content that is not relevant
  7. Provide a list of competencies & behaviours addressed during the session to all concerned stakeholders
  8. Provide a 30 day plan after workshop to learners, to guide them on how to start and master the learning gained during
  9. Concerned stakeholders and training fraternity could assess the extent of application and be in touch with the focus group
    whenever possible to encourage them in their application
  10. Conduct one 2 ones with every participant from the focus group to discuss and understand extent of practice and benefit
    concerning the competencies and behaviours after 30 days from completion of training session
  11. If the above 10 aspects are observed within corporate organizations, I am sure training will be a worthwhile investment for every
    corporate organization. Positive changes will begin to appear in the approach of a workforce that will eventually deliver positive

Personal Branding for Everyone!!!

What is Personal Branding?

There’s a saying “If You’re Not a Brand, you’re a Commodity”!!!

The statement is worthwhile of contemplation. It can be interpreted that if people do not consciously stand for who they want to be, they end up being used by other people for who others want to be. Personal Branding is about making conscious choices pertaining to thoughts, actions and values that further define the answer to the impending question

‘Who Am I’?

Why is Personal Branding relevant today?
If you are someone who experiences a sense of dissatisfaction at workplace even if there’s little to complain in terms of pay, relationships, culture etc., branding is becoming more important to you. Since recently, some stakeholders I work within an American multinational in Bangalore are vouching well for the way their teams function overall. The team is technically competent and tries best to keep customers happy. However, team members still feel that something is amiss & sense dissatisfaction due to lack of elements like Visibility, Sense of being a Contributor or being a Differentiator and a Value Adder. The manager’s dilemma is that he/she is held responsible by the team for a lack of visibility and branding in the company.
e needs to realize, a common misunderstanding working people have is that Credibility leads to Visibility, which is not true in the real world. Being good at work doesn’t automatically fetch visibility and branding. Its one’s responsibility to work at both. Quiet & hardworking people is quite common place.

What is Personal Branding then?
For some people, branding means the presence in social media. For others, it’s visibility at workplace or somewhere else and unfortunately, many people I come across do not have any comprehension of the term. Your Personal Branding is more than the sum of all these aspects.
Your Branding is all about possessing a clear sense of your Unique Identity. Your Branding is dynamic and not static. You can always better it by ensuring you add value to people like colleagues, friends, family, superiors, clients and stakeholders by being your unique self.

Your Personal Branding is the Combination of Your:

  • Strengths
  • Passions
  • Gifts &
  • Established Purpose of Life

“Your Personal Branding is what People Say About You When You are not in the Room”

  • Jeff Bezos

Be aware, branding needn’t be positive always. Some people carry negative branding too. We can’t stop other people from making their impressions of us. But we certainly have control over whether we make a positive or a negative impression Working on your Personal Branding begins with working on the question “Who Am I”?
This is one of the trickiest question that can be answered from a variety of perspectives. But we can direct the question in a way that begins to provide clarity regarding our potential to contribute to our community and society. We will try finding answers to the above question by adding another two progressive questions along. It goes by the below way:
Who Am I?
What Do I Do?
How do I Contribute?
Let’s begin understanding the questions with examples:
1 st Question: Who am I?
For Example, I am a Behavioral Training Professional wouldn’t like to address myself as just that. It’s just a professional tag I carry to introduce myself but would go on to think and believe that I am essentially a ‘Change Agent’. That’s what I believe I am. No one needs to agree with my answer here. This is not to impress anyone or seek an agreement but to assert my unique identity to me. That means that I really train to establish a certain degree of change among my training audience and would conclude I
wasn’t effective if I received feedback from my clients that my sessions didn’t result in any evident change. I would go on to seek more information in order to know what further I could do to ensure there is a positive change. Therefore, my answer to the question Who Am I, is that I am a Change Agent.
What would you seriously like to consider calling yourself? It must be a term that you can deeply resonate with and you
also, feel worthy of yourself thinking that is what you are.
2 nd Question: What Do I Do? (Being who I am)
Taking my example again, I build Competencies in people. That’s what I do. Therefore I just don’t train an audience for the sake of conducting a session as per the calendar. I am a Competency Enhancer. I enhance and build relevant levels of
knowledge, skills and attitudes among my audience.
3 rd Question: How does it make a Contribution? Or How do people benefit from what I do?
My clients benefit from a trained workforce. My audience gain clarity to face their work challenges better. My audience part with me after gaining adequate insights to be more effective to deal with work situations in the future.
Now is your turn. Take your time and answer the 3 questions
Who Am I?
What Do I do?

How do I benefit People?

What Softskills Mean: Transition to Competency Building

The current challenge: The Lockdown and its various restrictions

If there is anything I care about strongly and persistently as a training professional, it’s for the training community to be taken seriously by clients and stakeholders. It’s been a remarkable journey for me personally
as I have been one since over 14 years training multifarious sectors and industries.
I have a lot of respect for the training community, their intent of developing people in turn to benefit their clients and stakeholders. I have witnessed incredible passion, aspiration and enthusiasm among them when
personally training over 500 trainers within the country in the past 6 years.
The question of what Softskills mean today needs deep thinking. This is because of the lockdown and some current trend force me to think about it. If the trend will switch to training corporate workforce online henceforth, the soft skills training community need to wake up to the challenges, changing trends bring along with it.
Considering the restrictions of the lockdown and its aftermath, what must soft skill training professional focus on to add value to learners?
Lockdown or not, I meant “changing trends” indicate the future of learning is going to be online. Adding value can be very challenging due to limitations compared to the level of engagement that can be achieved indirectly classroom setups.

Aspects that need more focus in the future of soft skills training:

  1. Focus on Competencies:
    The best way the softskills training community can add value now is to focus absolutely on Competency Building. Be Direct, Specific and Straight forward in the approach of developing key competencies among learners so that they experience specific takeaways of value even if they spent just an hour or two with the facilitator online. I would like to write separately for how a focus on competency building can be achieved. In a nutshell, whether it is Leadership Training, Managerial Programs or Interpersonal Skills, trainers have to now look at softskills as competencies that directly co-relate and complement learner’s hard or technical skills.
    I strongly recommend that a competency grid be prepared by trainers for every intervention that determines the extent of Concepts, Skills and Attitudinal aspects that will be addressed and seek approval from concerned stakeholders. That’s the way forward for the softskills community to be taken seriously. This is a great way of focusing on Competency Building among an audience.
  2. Focus on Design Thinking:
    Id likes to be blunt about the second aspect. I am sure many fellow training facilitators won’t hesitate to accept that they have well thrived by depending on their ‘charm’, experience, presenting skills, sense of humour, rapport building capabilities etc., in the past. Nothing wrong with it at all. Even if the ‘charm’ element will certainly help now, it’s the Instructional Design that will make the difference when engaging an audience through a laptop/smartphone screen. Content developers now have to think for how learning can happen even with the total absence of a facilitator during a learning session.
    We at Insite Learning Solutions are concerning ourselves with the above 2 differentiators. Focusing on Competencies and Design Thinking. We also would like to focus our Train The Trainer Sessions on training wannabe trainers to master the above two aspects so that we produce training professionals who are ready for future challenges and mean their business.